
Medical students listening sitting at desk

We are always looking for new SPs to join our team. We hire throughout the year and will notify you when we are having an orientation/introduction meeting. At these meetings, we cover the history and expectations of the SP program before assigning you a sample medical case. This is not an official audition, but just a way for us to assess how well people memorize certain aspects of their case and ability to answer questions in "character." If you are interested in attending an introduction meeting please fill out the SP Questionnaire at the link below, and we will be in touch. 

The University of Arizona is an Equal Opportunity Employer - our aim is to build a pool of standardized patients that reflects the diversity of our Southern Arizona community. Individuals of all ages, races, ethnic backgrounds, genders, sexual orientations and abilities are strongly encouraged to apply. 

With questions about access or any disability-related accommodations for this position such as ASL interpreting, closed-captioning, wheelchair access, or electronic text, etc., please contact Kim Westenskow at 520-626-9122 or sends e-mail)




Please contact Colette Scott for more information about standardized patient program.