Contact us


Image of the Health Sciences Innovation Building
Kris Hanning/Health Sciences


We are located in the Health Sciences Innovation building on the 8th floor. 

1670 E. Drachman St. Tucson, AZ 85721

If you have any questions and would like to reach us call:




Schedule an Activity

To schedule an activity on the 8th floor, use your NetID log-in information to fill out the form at

  • Click the “REQUEST a Clinical & Professional Skills Event (Event Form)” button
  • Fill out the form and click “Submit.”
  • You will receive a confirmation email that a REQUEST has been made.
  • The request is sent to the Clinical & Professional Skills Team, who then approve or deny the request.
  • You will receive an email that confirms or denies the request.

Keep in Mind


  • Requests MUST be made no less than 48 hours before the reservation you are scheduling.
  • Request that include having a Standardized Patient (SP) or Patient Instructor (PI) MUST be made no less than one week before the reservation you are scheduling.
  • Submitting this form is only a request. Your request has NOT been scheduled until an email-confirmation is received. Please allow up to 2 business days for processing.
  • If you have questions, please contact Taylor Young at